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Definitely B. I remember from my BLAW classes in undergrad that the point of damages is to make someone whole. From my understanding of the fact pattern: the garden hose, while new in the sense that it was recently acquired, still isn't technically worth the original value of the hose when it was purchased and in its original packaging. The man would owe the neighbor the value of the hose before he broke it in order to make his neighbor whole again. Answer choice A is out since it is determined in the fact pattern that it cannot be repaired so it would follow that the damage to the hose cannot be properly assessed. C & D are out because the neighbor didn't consent to the use and even if he did, it would likely be expected the man would use the hose with care and in a proper manner. But IANAL, so what do I know. (Hopefully more once I get into law school, fingers crossed. Edit: Grammar and paragraphing. + If I am selected, @zalhuneidi on Instagram because my ADHD ass can't handle Twitter.


I'm here to ask the really hard questions, which is: who is bringing a suit over a garden hose in the first place LOL