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It's that time again! Yes, it's time for new intro quotes for the show -- you know the drill: 

1) post a time-stamped link to the audio you're suggesting or post a clip of no longer than 15 seconds.  If you say "hey, you should use the part in My Cousin Vinny where Marisa Tomei is hilarious" that doesn't help us. :)

2) make sure the clip is of good audio quality, and

3) remember to up-vote with the heart the ones you want heard on the show!



https://youtu.be/I1_IBF7V3Mg?t=105 "Tonight is pizza night." "I'd like to refer that to my attorney." "According to what I see here, Thursday nights are Franconi's Pizza night." "Yes. And when Franconi's went out of business, we switched to Graziano's." "According to the document, a new takeout restaurant requires public hearings and a 60 day comment period. Were those criteria met?" "No." "Opa!"

Heather Law

https://youtu.be/erBj7WBvP1Q 0.06 to 0.14. "Single Female Lawyer; fighting for her clients. Wearing sexy mini-skirts and being self reliant!"