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Perhaps we can have good things? Andrew breaks down Williams v. Kincaid, a 4th Circuit case that actually sets a positive precedent for trans rights! After that, we interview Jalessah Jackson, Executive Director of ARC Southeast - one of the abortion funds that OA listeners raised an incredible amount of money for!

Links: 42 U.S. Code Chapter 126 ADA, 42 U.S. Code § 12211 - Definitions exception




Can someone tell me if in the intro “we all know the saying ‘the wheels of justice turn slowly’” is from better call Saul and it’s Howard Hamlin?


I fail to understand. So it would be preferable for (in the setting o the question) an objectively verifiable and admitted murderer to potentially get off for lack of evidence, when the evidence was been found and exists, because that evidence was obtained in a shady manner? I get excluding ignorantly made or coerced confessions, but evidence is evidence, why shouldn't it stand on its own merit? And then be used as evidence again in a separate trial regarding the officers' malfeasance.


The wiki says it's from Atlanta http://openargswiki.wikidot.com/show-intro-y