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Thanks for the brilliant questions!




Can we please have the judge lecturing Alex Jones about telling the truth in the next audio clips montage! "You must tell the truth. This is not your show, do you understand that?"


Follow up on the fine as percentage of AGI thing: Sweden and a couple of other European countries use a day fine system. The persons income per working day is multiplied by a certain amount, effectively making them lose a number of days of work. This ia used where other systems might use a fixed monetary fine or incarceration. And, at least in Sweden, it is not strictly a salary based thing. The monetary amount is modified based on certain factors, for instance if they are heavily in debt or responsible for children the fine goes down and if they have large monetary savings the fine goes up. Though this system is not used for certain things like traffic tickets since that would unnecessarily burden the judicial system. Also, not a lawyer, so don't take this as gospel. And if I've missed anything Wikipedia has an OK article on it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Day-fine?wprov=sfla1


I came in here to find a thread to post exactly this. This whole monologue is full of potential intro quotes. https://twitter.com/nycsouthpaw/status/1555059203684929536?s=20&t=3P-xmTxft-Usxbo-ZZLwHw