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There was a truly amazing moment in the Alex Jones trial that we can't wait to share with you. And, it's a chance for some law talkin'! Jones' lawyers are completely inept and we should all enjoy nice things. Then, Andrew takes us through an interesting election situation in North Carolina involving the Green Party. Guess what, they still suck and are helping Republicans win! So much so that Republicans are literally fighting legal battles for Green Party candidates.

Links: Rule 801, Strickland v. Washington, Matthew Hoh, NC § 163-122, NC Stat. § 163.96:  create a new party, Candidates - North Carolina Green Party, Docs from state board meeting on Green Party, Matthew Hoh tweet, Republicans financed Montana Green Party

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What is the court that I need to use to find the Alex Jones live stream? Thank you!!!!


I have to report for jury duty in the morning after working all night. I wish it was for something as potentially entertaining as Alex Jones but I'll probably just spend the day staring at the walls of the assembly room and then be dismissed.