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You may remember the ripoff scam that is Christian Health Share Ministries from such episodes as OA497: Christian Health Sharing Is a Scam and OA530: Andrew Testifies to Congress on Christian Healthshare Ministries! Well, as a direct result of Andrew's House testimony, Rep. Jared Huffman has sponsored and introduced a new bill to fight back against this scam! It's H.R.8324 - Health Share Transparency Act of 2022. Rep. Huffman is also a co-founder of the Congressional Freethought Caucus! He joins us today to explain the bill.
Before that, I grill Andrew on the Secret Service deleted texts, with such questions as "what the f?" and "how the h?" There's a lot we can't know yet, but Andrew explains what we do know. Finally, we go through the first gun control legislation passed in two decades. It's good!

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From my experience in IT support, I would put the likelihood of the Secret Service intentionally deleting those messages at around 70%. I live by the words "Don't attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence". I can see scenarios where a 30 something dummy like me could delete those text messages while updating company phones but in order for that to happen there had to be more than 1 point of failure. For starters the phones of all agents involved on 1/6 should have been backed up and turned off in a box during January 2021.


I think CHSMs may just be the quintessential American stereotype thing. Antiregulationism, anti health care, wealth care, broken insurance industry, Christian fundamentalist controlling conartistry all rolled up into a deliberately built legislative loophole sized bundle...