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This was a counter-intuitive real property question that managed to fool both Actual Thomas (C) and Thomas's Second-Chance Law Firm (who guessed A). The actual answer is (B) for the reasons described above. Thomas is now 149-for-284 (52.5%).



Quark Twain

Wow, a month is no biggie! When does the delay become unreasonable?


the solution is to vote? i voted but sleepy joe rushed clarence on to the court. i voted but RBG burnished Scalias public image. I voted but Gephardt said we must invade bagdad. I voted but Hillary stood on a national stage and said “Kissinger.” I voted and schumer gave obama’s nomination to mitch. its the dems that lost these battles. quit shitting on progressive alternatives.


You seem confused about dates. Schumer had no power; he was not Majority Leader. In fact, he had never been Majority Leader in history until 2021.


I'm sure you're used to getting *everything* you want in every other facet of your life. How do you feel about Sanders supporting the F-35 program? We can sit here all day and you can rattle off a bunch of criteria for candidates that make you take your ball and go home. You're looking for perfect where it certainly won't exist. By the way-why are you employing right wing Trumpian language to describe the president? You seem dead set in working against your own wishes. Or even approaching getting a sliver of what you want. Who is your perfect candidate?


Like most of law "it depends!". There may be some law in different states that says a certain amount of time is automatically unreasonable, but in general the courts would prefer to keep it open instead of trying to create a clear rule since there are too many extenuating factors. That's why the "time is of the essence" thing is the important part, not a strict calendar date. If you are buying a home and you make clear that your lease is up on Jan 1, so you need to have it by then, the courts will side with you. But if you're some big company buying a parking lot from another big company for a building you haven't even started construction on yet then there's no reason to make things happen by a specific date.

Quark Twain

You've replied to the wrong Patreon post. This turns out to be a great analogy, because voting is also the wrong forum to express your frustrations. There aren't "progressive alternatives" in a general first-past-the-post election. There are two options, that's it. Voting for the better of the two options advances progressive goals. Any other choice has the opposite effect.

Quark Twain

Thanks Missy for the explanation! That makes sense. Though I still find it strange that they flatly say that "one month is considered to be reasonable". How long could the delay be before this changes to "it depends"?