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Hey everyone, Thomas here,

I have just been grasping for what I could maybe do to help in this moment, and I had an idea that I want to try.

If you are someone who has needed or may need an abortion in the future, I want to give you a platform to express what you're feeling right now. I found this calendar thing online that will allow you to grab a 15 minute slot with me, jump on Zoom, and I'll record you. You can rage, you can cry, you can tell your abortion story, you can tell us what we ought to do... whatever. I plan on stitching them together and airing them on OA and/or SIO. You can absolutely remain anonymous. The line is open for you. Doesn't have to be a full 15 minutes either, can just be whatever. Please take me up on it. Looking forward to hearing your voice




Is it possible for the American Medical Association (or some regulatory body) to re-define when a person is deemed pregnant? Instead of back dating it to the last period, could they consider it from the lost likely date of implantation? It's not a great solution, but it might help get around some of the six week bans by buying pregnant people a couple of extra weeks. Does anyone know if this is possible?


My husband and I have been trying to have a child for about a year now. We have had two miscarriages, one that passed naturally and another that was a “missed miscarriage” meaning my body did not properly expel the embryo after it was no longer viable. For the second miscarriage, I was presented with three options: 1) wait it out and hope my body eventually does what it needs to; 2) take the abortion pill; 3) have a dilation and curettage (D&C) procedure, which is an abortion. Since the missed miscarriage had occurred over a month prior (at 7 weeks, I was at 11 weeks when we found out during a routine exam) I had little confidence my body would do it’s job any time soon. Additionally, since I had already experienced one natural miscarriage that left me in extreme pain that required me to go to the hospital, I opted for a D&C. However, I live in Texas and as many of you know, was have SB 8 here. I was checked two separate times, outside of when we first found out, to make sure there really was no heartbeat. I knew there wasn’t and my doctor knew there wasn’t, but I guess they are required to check. It was agonizing each time and all I wanted to do was get this non viable embryo out of me so we could move on. Note that I use the term embryo because it was not life, it was just a ball of cells. My husband and I are trying again and I am incredibly anxious about how this next one will go. But Friday’s decision has left me even more anxious. The thought that I may have to prove to my pharmacist that I need the abortion pill for a miscarriage is gut wrenching. It’s not their fucking business and that is something so incredibly private, I feel as though they have no right to ask. But on top of that, what if the next pregnancy is technically viable, but the fetus has a severe congenital defect that is a death sentence weeks after birth? I feel like I’ve been through the worst already, but in reality it could be so much worse. I honestly do not think I could ever emotionally recover from such a thing. I now know so many women who have had a D&C or used the abortion pill for miscarriages (but also elected abortions). We’ve all discussed how appreciative we are that our doctors received medical training for D&Cs, thanks to Roe vs. Wade, so that they are done safely. I’m scared about where women's healthcare will be in the coming years. If the procedure is banned, I assume training will be very limited or not even provided. I have gone back and forth so much on whether to share my story. On one hand I want to share it to educate people on the fact that Roe vs Wade not only legalized abortion, but it paved the way for women and doctors to make appropriate decisions about their health and that not all abortions are “women killing their babies” (which is just a disgusting statement). But on the other hand, ITS NO ONES FUCKING BUSINESS AS TO WHY I NEED AN ABORTION. You can’t just go around selectively saying who gets to have one and who doesn’t, because for you to make the decision, you need to know my personal business, which is not okay - looking at you fuckheads on the bench.