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Thomas picked (A), which was the right result for the wrong reason; it's (B).  Sadly, even his second-chance (C) was also wrong.  Thomas is now 148-for-282 (52.5%) and on a two-question losing streak.




I still maintain that while A might be the least terrible answer given it's multi choice, there is not enough information in the question. If the 'fitness' test relies on job-irrelevant metrics like body fat percentage that are clearly discriminatory, don't they have a case?

Quark Twain

Tough one! As for the "right result" or what we'd want the answer to be ideally, it's got to be D. Are we really supposed to believe that being a park ranger is so physically demanding that the vast majority of women are incapable of doing it? This kind of logic would lead to women not allowed in the military and people in wheelchairs not allowed to work in offices with front steps.