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You may have recently seen people posting about a disturbing Supreme Court decision (what else is new) with images of how much of the US is within 100 miles of a border, and how federal agents can basically get away with anything in most of the country. What was that about? Was it overblown? Welp. Attorney Matt Cameron is here to tell us no, actually. It was underblown, if anything. Not blown enough. Listen for the full breakdown, including classic Bivens.
Before that, Andrew does a quick refresher on pocket pardons and why they... are not a thing.

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Wow, that was disturbing! I do appreciate sick humor but I hate it when people that know more than me say they are very worried. With all that's coming out of the J6 Committee and the non-existent gun laws, bat shit crazy Rs, etc......!! It's all very scary.


Then I remember a very comforting reason to not worry, I live in Australia!!! Great gun laws, only mildly crazy Conservatives, and semi-violent protests when outsiders come in and start something. (usually Americans). Not so much on the climate front but hey, I'm old. I'll be dead before that's a problem. So I'm good, thanks. The rest of you are fucked!


Spare a thought for us Canadians. We're seeing the same style of Republican, QAnon, far-right neofascist politics creeping in at an alarming rate. Fortunately, our multi-party parliamentary system makes it much harder for them to achieve a complete takeover, but the speed with which it found a foothold is deeply troubling.