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In this episode, we look at a recent lawsuit filed by the notorious Satanic Temple challenging abortion restrictions in the state of Missouri.  In the main segment, Andrew tells you how to read a Complaint, and Thomas offers advice to the Satanic Temple's lawyers about which arguments are more persuasive to him.

Our opening segment begins with "Breakin' (Down) the Law," where we discuss a catchy legal phrase, "in perpetuity throughout the universe."  Why would anyone say that??  Andrew explains why.  In our closing segment, we look at a Tennessee state representative, who tells us that everyone knows you should burn those red light camera tickets!  (No.  No, you should not.)

H/T for both the episode content and the "Closed Arguments" segment goes to the newly-married Eli Bosnick!  Congratulations and thanks.

Show Notes & Links

  1. The Complaint filed by the Satanic Temple in federal court.
  2. The decision by the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri dismissing the Satanic Temple's lawsuit.
  3. Hemant Mehta's discussion of the case on the Friendly Atheist blog.
  4. Attorney Marci Hamilton's opinion that the case will be overturned on appeal.
  5. The Knoxville News-Sentinel article about state Rep. Andy Holt, who is encouraging citizens to burn their red light camera tickets.

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OA7: You Won't Have the Satanic Temple to Kick Around Any More, Part 1

In this episode, we look at a recent lawsuit filed by the notorious Satanic Temple challenging abortion restrictions in the state of Missouri. In the main segment, Andrew tells you how to read a Complaint, and Thomas offers advice to the Satanic Temple's lawyers about which arguments are more persuasive to him.


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