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No more bringing knives to gun fights! Andrew breaks down the 2022 redistricting in key states. Listen in to find out why gerrymandering is a must for Democrats if we want to achieve any sort of fairness long term. Then, we have an extended mailbag segment with some truly amazing emails from our brilliant listeners!
Links: Cal. Code sec. 8521 et seq., Dave's Redistricting


Andrew was on Episode 630 of Knowledge Fight breaking down the Alex Jones lawsuit!

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Finally, something i know more about than both of you. A “cap” in football (soccer) is an appearance in an international match. 😁


And so called because English players used to get a hat for every international game they played in as that was how they identified what team a player was on. Once the idea of just wearing matching shirts caught on the caps have been more of a ceremonial thing, and in a lot of cases physical caps aren't usually given anymore. I feel you though, once soccer comes up as a topic, finally, my area of knowledge XD