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Thomas got this one wrong, picking (A).  The coin also got it wrong, going with (C).  In reality, the right answer was (B) -- this is a corner case of revoking acceptance of goods under the UCC and a VERY tough question.

Thomas porks his winning streak and falls to 130-for-248 (52.4%), while the coin drops to 9-for-23 (39.1%).




I too fell for the implied warranty of the box's alleged guarantee and went with A. At least I'm in good company.


This one is actually relevant for me. Just last year I bought a snow blower in August. When I finally used it in November, it didn't work properly. It still technically blew the snow, but I couldn't properly control the direction it went (a feature that was clearly advertised on the manufacturer's packaging and other materials). In my case, the store took it back, but they told me if it had been gas-powered and I had put gas in it, they wouldn't have. And then this question would have been super relevant.