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Thomas got this one right, nailing the analysis and everything, and picking (D)!  The coin, on the other hand, whiffed badly, picking (A).  Thomas is now 129-for-246 (52.4%), while the coin is a very sad 8-for-21 (38.1%).



Quark Twain

It's pretty strange to me that there is no expectation of privacy, just as a matter of common sense. I don't expect passersby to tear open someone's sealed trash bags or to take them home. Now, if the police want to search through the trash at the collection facility that's another matter. But the trash would be mingled together, and it could be difficult to prove which house provided a given bag. The trash collection process anonymizes each person's trash, and therefore establishes an expectation of privacy. But I guess that's just not how the courts have interpreted it.