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I would have thought A because in Colorado it is a battle to get the liable carrier to just disclose policy limits information. There is a specific way to request it, but they have to disclose within a certain amount of time (30 days, I believe) or they can owe a daily penalty. But B makes sense if just referring to policy language vs the Dec page.


I am definitely not a lawyer. This is the first question that I can remember where I just totally disagree with the conclusion that Thomas comes to. He was split between 'no' answers, but I'm pretty sure it's a 'yes'. I don't know why insurance policies would ever remain secret, and I know they come out in wrongful death suits and the like as a possible motive. A seems like the straightforward obvious answer. If they request it you have to give it. That's so obvious that I'm suspicious. Why even ask the question at all if there are no special rules? I might be pulling a Thomas 'talk myself out of the correct answer' but I'm going with B. There's probably a special insurance policy rule.