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Andrew's favorite Constitutional Law expert, Laurence Tribe, has written an op-ed in the Boston Globe arguing that a Massachusetts case called Larkin v. Grendel's Den will "end the Texas abortion law." That sounds too good to be true. So, is it too good to be true? Or is it just true? Find out! But that's not all, infact we've got 2 more segments in this action packed show! There's another glorious Kraken Sanctions update, which includes an itemized bill for $200,000 that Sidney Powell will be picking up. And in the wildcard, we break down an interesting case involving Facebook in Australia. They don't have a pesky Section 230 down under, which leads to some very fascinating results from an American perspective. Also we briefly discuss the Merrick Garland announcement.

Links: Whitmer sanctions tab, Fink sanctions tab, Newman v. Piggie Park Enterprises, States’ Stances on Public Interest Standing, Wis law 5.90(2)


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Less-than-satisfying? Shame -- I love insurance coverage litigation. I feel like most of my colleagues who specialize in it do.


OK Thomas I had to laugh out loud with you you have to start at the top comment well done