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Thomas did, in fact, talk himself out of the right answer (D), in favor of the wrong backup choice, (A).  His only comfort must be that the coin also got it wrong.  Thomas is now 128-for-244 (52.5%), and the coin is 8-for-19 (42.1%).




First time in a long time the answer appears before the episode drops :p Jk couldn't resist


I'll guess Thomas wanted to give patrons something that was available quickly. He's thinking of us, even as he works to edit the upcoming episode that was delayed due to a "huge day at the Smith house." Hope everything is well and that we'll hear about the positive stuff that happened. Take care.

Robert Fischer

If O chose to NOT exercise her right of re-entry with this oak tree, could she exercise it when A takes down another tree? Or is this a one-and-done conditional? It reads like one-and-done to me, but IANAL.

Quark Twain

Or another way to look at it, is there a time limit on the right of re-entry? Could she re-enter 10 years later based on the first tree removal?