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Andrew breaks down the state of the recall, the porked polls, and Clark v. Weber! Paffrath still seems to be some sort of Democratic frontrunner, but how much of that is real and how much is poll pork? After breaking down the interesting arguments in the suit against the recall, we answer a listener who is critical of our critical opinions of the recall. Were we wrong? Find out!

Links: Clark v Weber complaint, opposition, the ruling


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I made a Patreon to support yiff games and this podcast. Don't tell my wife!

Just because it bothers my pedantic lizard brain, when talking about the "everytime you shuffle a deck of cards" thing, Thomas should have said "permutation" instead of "combination." In a combination, the order of the things doesn't matter (when making a breakfast scramble, I can add the ingredients in any order I wish) in a permutation, the order does matter. So when someone says that every time you shuffle a deck of cards, you're creating a new combination that's never been seen before, it's incorrect since all of the parts are still there, just in a different order. What you've created is a permutation that's never been seen before. https://www.britannica.com/science/permutation


An idea I remember reading decades ago was to tally political support in real-time and adjust the candidate's power accordingly. Each day (or week), every Voter got to put their name on the list of the Candidate they wished to support. The Candidate in question then had to achieve a minimum threshold of support (say, 100,000 supporters) in order to gain office. However, if a Candidate achieved twice that, with 200,000+ supporters, then they had TWO votes in Parliament. I feel that this is now possible for nations with good Internet speeds, using the same encryption systems we employ for banking to protect individual choices. The obvious downside being just how easy it would be for demagogues to capture the process.