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Does the fact that the Trump administration intentionally failed to fight back against the horrible FLSA Overtime update ruling hurt the DOL in any future attempts to raise that level to a reasonable amount?


What do you think are the chances you guys could stop using the word libertarian as a comedic synonym for radical-right-winger and make it easier for me to recommend my favorite and most-listened-to podcast to all of my favorite people? I'm sure from your perspective it feels like a rare throw-away joke but every time you make it, it sticks in my craw and just seems so incongruous with all the rest of your rational, well-thought-out takes.


Thanks for the answer, guys. You made me laugh a couple of times, and I now realize I need to put more thought into phrasing to avoid getting expertly dunked on by Thomas. (No, ALL my favorite people aren't libertarians). I don't even think of myself as a libertarian. Just libertarian-empathetic, maybe. Anyway, I indeed have not listened to the libertarianism episode, so I will. And I'll look into the Lockeian dilemma for you, Andrew 😉. The only bone I would pick with your responses is that while there are many libertarians-because-privileged-and-selfish, I think there are also plenty of people who genuinely think (rightly or wrongly) that libertarian approaches might lead to the best outcomes for the most people, including the unprivileged. Of course, I'll be the first to admit that in general, libertarianism is an exercise in believing an ideal world is possible. But so is most ideology. Cheers.