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Terpsichore, who also goes by dozens of slight variations on her name, saw the Kraken nonsense that has led to nothing but sanctions hearing after sanctions hearing and figured why not do... more terrible law. She's suing Dominion back for eleventy billion dollars. How is that damages number justified? GFY. What are the alleged counts of defamation? GFY. Where do these horrible lawyers keep coming from and how did they beat Thomas at the bar exam? We'll never know. Hear all about it on today's show! After that, we do some Andrew was wrong, regarding gift taxes and British courts. Plus an email from the one and only Michael Marshall on Telegram and how it does seem to be the app of choice for horrible racists.
Links: 26 US Code § 102,  Gift Taxes, House of Lords - Wikipedia, Virginia Governor's Council, Terpsichore affidavit, Terpsichore deleted webpage, Tore Maras-Lindeman bio, complaint if you can call it that, ND vs Terp and all her names, Jones v. Trice, 360 S.W.2d 48 (1962)


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"Lords Spiritual and Temporal" simply refers to the bishops (spiritual) and life peers (temporal), i.e. lords appointed for life. This phrase appears in the preamble of every Act of the UK Parliament, except for those passed without the consent of the Lords under the terms of the Parliament Acts of 1911 and 1949. Before the creation of the Supreme Court in 2009, the highest appeal court in the UK was the House of Lords, but it's a common misconception that the hearing was held in the actual House. Instead it was a committee known as the Law Lords. It also used to be the case that a lord, if accused of a crime, could elect to be tried in the House of Lords rather than by an ordinary court. This followed the principle of a "jury of one's peers", for a lord could not be tried by a commoner. The last time this happened was in 1935. The procedure can be seen in the movie Kind Hearts and Coronets starring Alec Guinness in 9 different roles. Incidentally this would make for a great LAM episode, just saying!
