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Cuomo has to go, but will he? How can Californians be voting to recall a relatively decent Governor, but New Yorkers can't recall a disgusting creep? As usual, Andrew has the full breakdown!



I wonder whether a recall system would be vulnerable to similar problems if instead of a majority vote to remove from office it were a majority vote to disqualify from future office or something.

Stormy Decisis

I know Thomas said he would post some kind of poll, but I thought I'd put in my 2 cents: I really like having my patron name read out on Monday episodes. It was the main motivation for me becoming an upper-tier patron. I realize that the list is getting really long, and that a lot of patrons don't switch up their names, so I wouldn't mind a system where we switch out weeks - half the names one week, half the next - or something like that. Or maybe let upper tier patrons choose between having their names read out and some other benefit, so those who don't change their names can pull their names from the read list. I fully understand that it's your product and you have to do what you have to do, but I would be pretty sad if I didn't get to play with the patron names anymore. It's been a fun thing for me to do each week. Thanks for another excellent show!


Could not agree more. Basically in full. I love changing my name to try to get a response or just feel a personal sense of engagement with the hosts and it’s why I pledge at the tier I do. I’m all for finding a creative solution because it’s gotta be getting annoying, but it seriously brings me so much joy.