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Here's that audio, or you can watch on the YouTube channel!



In response to Thomas comparing Patreon sub to Netflix: I don't personally think of it this way. I'm not sure how to best word the difference, but maybe Service vs Donation works. When I pay for Netflix, I'm doing it because I expect something back. The *only* reason I pay for it is for the service. When I pay for Opening Args, I do it because I want to donate to you for support. I listened to the show for over a year for free. I thought many times about why I should pay. I'm not a lawyer, so I feel like many of the benefits aren't valuable to me because of that (such as Andrew's notes). Even the commercials: I could just hit a skip button 3 times. But I started to realize, you guys are doing a good thing for the country and for politics. You have shifted my views from right to left. I feel what I get for free has a value much higher than that, and I'm able to pay, so why not? Having said all of that, that doesn't mean I don't appreciate the benefits I get. I certainly enjoy the commercial free episodes and the QnAs!


Yeah I realized afterward I shouldn't have put it quite the way I did. I'm seeing how many people have a very different relationship to it, and people seem to pledge for different reasons. Either way, we very much appreciate the support! We're so glad to hear we've made an impact.