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Today we have special guest Nick Fish, president of American Atheists! He recently attended a meeting with the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives. Is this administration doing a better job representing the millions of non-believers in the country? Find out!
In the first segment, we discuss Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L., the free speech case you may have heard about on The Daily. Andrew gives us a more complete breakdown and offers a prediction as to how the ruling will go!
Links: Tinker v. Des Moines, Hazelwood Indep. School Dist. v. Kuhlmeier, Bethel School District No. 403 v. Fraser, BL v. Mahanoy Area Sch. Dist., 964 F.3d 170, Mahanoy Area School District v. BL oral arguments, Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships EO


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“A school need not tolerate a student’s speech that is inconsistent with the basic educational mission.” It’s almost as if students have some right not to be misled. What is the burden to show if speech is inconsistent with the educational mission? Could we elucidate that principle to combat misinformation in schools, or is it only against obscenity?


The poly artifact is Pyramids. It's from Arabian Nights. I actually have one of those.