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You all probably heard by now that NY lost a House seat by 89 people... But did they? Andrew argues that this has been misreported. Find out why! Along the way, find out way more than you ever wanted to about the math and Al Gore Rhythms behind apportionment! Also, Rudy Giuliani had some things taken in what shouldn't be called a "raid." Couldn't' have happened to a nicer obvious criminal! Then we answer some feedback on the previous episode, OA485: What If Your Client Tells You They’re Guilty?

Links: OA307: Apportionment - The Census Fight Is Not Over, NPR 2020 Census Results, 13 US Code § 141 - Population and other census information, Executive Order on the Census, 2020 Census Apportionment Results, 2 U.S. Code § 2b, Method of Equal Proportions, Reapportionment Under the 1950 Census, "Computing Apportionment," US Census Bureau, Model Rule 3.3: Candor Toward the Tribunal


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So I decided to play with the spreadsheet mentioned above, and I calculated the House apportionment if PR & DC were states with the current method (and if the census data is accurate). CA (2), NY, PA, IL, MN, MI, OH, & WV would all lose seats to give them to TX (2), FL, NC, DC, & PR (4). My spreadsheet is available if anyone wants to check my work. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V7NkBhc6ThBBaFlKrQluQ-Qf6ljenRUUTPM7mBRVq-g/edit?usp=sharing


I agree with Andrew. "Execution" is a much better word than "raid." "Raid" just sounds so violent! :)