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It's here! The 1.9 trillion dollar package is officially passed! If you are one of the many listeners who donated time or money to getting Democrats to 50 seats, you truly did make this happen. Andrew did all the reading so you don't have to! He breaks down what's in this incredibly progressive plan.

Before that, we respond to lots of people asking "Didn't Republicans fire the parliamentarian in 2000?" This objection to our minimum wage episode completely falls flat for several reasons.

Links: WaPo Parliamentarian Article, Lott to Oust Senate Parliamentarian Who Ruled Against GOP, WaPo How big is the Biden stimulus bill?


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To think that the fool Kevin McCarthy says that people accept it because they don't know what is in it. https://ca.yahoo.com/news/republican-leader-kevin-mccarthy-says-215048136.html


For the $15 min wage bill that is coming before 2022, is there any legal principal barring or impeding a legislative gambit wherein each state has a different minimum wage that Pelosi allows to be chosen by the delegation from that state? It feels vaguely like an equal protection issue but it seems hard for a plaintiff to claim they lacked representation. Pretending we had an earnest supreme court, wouldn't the remedy for an equal protection charge be to interpret the minimum wage as being the minimum, maximum, or average of the wages set in the bill? Seems like a great way to squelch the legislators who claim not all jurisdictions need the same minimum wage as California and New York.