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Leftist publications like Jacobin have been excoriating the Biden administration, and specifically VP Harris, for not simply overruling the Senate Parliamentarian to force the $15 minimum wage through. They argue this is something Republicans definitely would do if the situation were reversed. So... is all that true? Andrew is here to break it down for us!

Links: The Hill Cruz: Let's overrule Senate officer to expand ObamaCare bill, Rules Of The Senate, 2 US Code Chapter 17, Byrd Rule 2 US Code § 644, The Tax Legislative Process: A Byrd's Eye View, Andrew's favorite plan


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Man, I feel like this episode of "Here's why the US is unable to do anything to help their citizens" is even bleaker than usual.


Ok, now I’ve listened and realize I was wrong about ignoring the parliamentarian, I was thinking of the firing the parliamentarian stunt Republicans did. Still don’t think we have the votes for $15/hr, May be worth going for $12 immediately with built in cost of living increases.