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Hooooo boy, have we got some legal craziness for you fine listeners! Disgraced lawyer who Instagramed his participation in an insurrection has filed a lawsuit that is essentially Latinos for Trump and a few other groups v. EVERYONE. Andrew had way too much fun diving into it! Before that, we have quite the deep-dive on hearsay related to a recent T3BE question. Turns out you can't kill witnesses to get away with stuff? Who knew!

Links: Rule 801. Exclusions from Hearsay, Rule 802, Rule 803, Rule 804, Find A Lawyer | Paul MacNeal Davis, Goosehead Insurance, Sollenberger Tweet, Gondor has no King nonsense, Court sua sponte motion, amended complaint, Davis fire by basically everyone, LFT asks for more time, LFT motion for fees, supporting exhibit


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Cool Cat LAM?


Cool Cat's become something of a meme since YourMovieSucks reviewed them and got into a feud with its creator, Derek Savage. It's "so bad it's good" content.