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Stormy Decisis

Answers to your questions about my question about the 9yo girl who was pepper sprayed while handcuffed: The video does blur her face and the news media has been good about redacting her name, but members of her community sometimes post supportive comments that include her name ("e.g., "We love you [name]!"). The local police union head gave a press conference in which he revealed a lot of private information about the child. Most news outlets showed only a brief clip of that - one news station posted the whole thing and I have been writing them sternly worded emails urging them to show only clips. When it comes to the body worn camera, it's a really difficult balance. It IS news. Holding people in power accountable for abuses of power is the best of journalism. But at the same time it might not be good for this girl to have her trauma played over and over on the national news. I did a google search and found >200 unique news sites posting the body camera video. The really depressing thing is that we haven't dealt with this question much so far because when there's serious police violence against a person of color, that person is usually dead, an adult, or both. In this case, the victim was a child who survived. The child is too young to understand the benefits of releasing the video or the benefits of withholding it.


I'm listening on Stereo right now and I love you guys but it's hard to listen to with Thomas's audio so much louder than Andrew 😓