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Hey everybody, this is letting you know about our Bonus Stereo Q&As that are going to begin this Wednesday, Feb. 3, at 8 pm Eastern / 5 pm Pacific and continue weekly in that timeslot.

We didn't want you to have to listen to the Stereo ad that we run during the show, because you're patrons, you're damn hell ass kings, and you don't need that from the plebe feed.  But we thought you might like to know about what we're doing, so this is how we decided to level with you.

Like we say in the clip, this will NEVER replace our regular monthly Q&A or any of the Patreon or other perks you currently enjoy; it's just another thing we're doing to try and get more content out for the show and maybe bring in some new listeners.

Please share your thoughts here and we hope to see you on Wednesday!



Thanks for the alerts on Stereo. I have another question on this special alert podcast. This crashed my podcast app. It’s a basic RRS app on my iPhone. The song preview you did for Cleanup on Aisle 45 did the same thing. I am unable to play those episodes on my regulars feed. Is there something different about these episodes that could be crashing for me? Thanks!


It has not shown up in either Cleanup or OA feeds as of 2 February


Records tomorrow! Did you search for @torrez on the Stereo app?