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In case you missed it, we have a president now! Andrew gives us the full deep dive on his first day in office and all the harm reduction the administration has already achieved!

Links: All the Biden Executive Orders, Trump's stupid Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs and Enforcing the Regulatory Reform Agenda and Evaluating and Improving the Utility of Federal Advisory Committees, Board of Scientific Counselors - ATSDR, Trump Promoting the Rule of Law order, Executive Order 13,891 Sub-Regulatory Guidance Document Portal Tops 70,000 Entries, 18 U.S. Code § 207, FACT SHEET: President-elect Biden's Day One Executive Actions


Thomas is on the next episode of God Awful Movies!

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Did anyone else notice that Maddow used the phrase "cleanup on aisle 45" twice last night?


Phil Rosenfelt is Secretary of Education Again!!! Told you it would happen!


Yes and I’m ready for her to stop saying “ criming”