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We are SO happy about the election results in Georgia that not even that fascist scum who invaded our nation's capitol can keep us down! Today Andrew gives us a refresher on the 25th Amendment, we also discuss the timing of the Senate seats and when they take effect. On the treason side of things, the Gohmert lawsuit was dismissed.

Then we gush about the Georgia news and share some tear-jerking stories of how our listeners came through in a huge way for Democracy!

Links: Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) publicly called for 25th, OLC memo 1985


Thomas and Andrew were on Episode 754 of Ice Cream Social!

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I have a question that may have been addressed in the original pardon episode but is particularly pertinent given the rapidly evolving events. A president may not pardon himself in matters of impeachment...but, and hear me out, what if a president is about to be impeached and he pardons himself prior to anything being brought to the floor of the house? What is the result? Because, it seems like a bit of a catch-22... if the president pardoned himself for a crime and the congress said, "hey, that seems serious, we should impeach for that even though we only learned about it through the pardon", it would suggest that the self-pardon is always reviewable by congress. Anyway, thanks again for the always entertaining + brilliant episodes.


All you have to do to keep the GA seats straight is remember Loeffler saying "radical liberal Rafael Warnock" over and over and over again.