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According to the new fundamentalist majority on the Supreme Court, churches have the right to spread COVID as much as they damn well please and no one is allowed to tell them otherwise. Andrew Seidel is back on the show to give the full breakdown of just how terrible Roman Catholic Diocese v. Cuomo is.


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Stormy Decisis

I can tell you from teaching psychopharmacology to undergrads that a very large percentage of them are unaware that alcohol withdrawal is medically dangerous, perhaps because young adult problem drinking is more likely to be binge drinking than daily drinking. So I am 100% sure that they would never have realized that we keep the liquor stores open to prevent withdrawal cases from overrunning hospitals. This is a case where some social media messaging from public health officials would be really good. For a start, it would explain something that lots of people have wondered about (why liquor stores are open) and it would educate the public on the reality of alcohol withdrawal.


There are many complicated issues involving religion where I can, at the very least, respect (but disagree with) opposing viewpoints where belief or faith is concerned. This decision is contrary to the safety and well-being of all people, regardless of theie beliefs. The first step in emergency response is triage. Triage requires labels be applied. It is the reason a patient in the ER with life threatening injuries is seen before a patient with a broken toe. These are preferences designed for safety and order in the face of a crisis, not discrimination on the basis of any protected class. If it isn't obvious already, I am not a fan of this opinion.