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The Trump administration was given a victory in the courts regarding the census. It's absolutely bad news, but Andrew has a plan for that! Ok, ok, it was Elizabeth Warren's plan, but Andrew breaks it down for us! It's a one weird trick that actually will work, assuming that we win in November.
Before that, we've got yet another Mazars update. It's going exactly how Andrew told us it would go, and that's... not great but also not bad.

Links: Trump v Mazars application for stay, US v R Enterprises porn case again, Ross v. National Urban League, Warren's Census plan, 13 US Code § 141 - Population and other census information, Mid-Decade Census, 2015 Census.


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Can someone tell me which episode of Skepticrat Andrew mentioned that he was on? Thanks.


Wow, these are even MORE depressing when I'm several weeks behind in watching them (which is normal for me). You guys are ALWAYS too optimistic. I don't mean just Andrew, but Thomas, too. Even Negatron is normally too optimistic. Of course, it's not your fault. It's just that my country is filled with morons, apparently.