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Be warned, this episode contains explicit language and Trumpian hypocrisy. Given that the RNC was basically a 4-night Hatch Act Violation Spectacular, Andrew is delivering us the Hatch Act deep-dive we need. Joining us to talk about her personal experience with the Hatch Act is Allison Gill of Mueller She Wrote! That's right, now that she was fired from her government job, "AG" is now unmasked! 

Links: Hatch Act; penalties for violation; 10 U.S.C. § 973 and 18 U.S.C. § 593 pertaining to military; CREW v. OSC on Kellyanne Conway.


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Also: what's preventing droves of left-leaning civil servants from being explicitly political and anti-trump and then filing their own unequal treatment claims RE The Hatch Act? Seems like the only way to get R representatives to pay attention is to use the same loopholes they do.


I had an experience SO MUCH like Alison's as a VA employee...it's a little embarrassing, but listening to her tell it made me ugly cry, and my career there ended two years ago. It's hard to explain what it does to not just have your livelihood dangled on a string for months on end, but to have the federal government and OIG being threatening, secretive, dishonest, and yet still incompetent. I don't know how long it took me to stop worrying I wouldn't eventually face actual charges for something I knew I could prove I didn't do. The truth just doesn't matter. Thank you for this episode, even though it brought back some terrible memories. 😉