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We did it.  We filed an amicus brief in the Michael Flynn case!

Thank you to everyone who participated, read, helped edit, and/or sent notes of encouragement. 

I'm supremely proud of our finished product and I think we have the chance to do real good in the world.



Did you think about including a line about how there is a proper constitutional method for the executive branch to undo a conviction (i.e. a pardon) and how the president is free to use his pardon powers here? That might have been a good inclusion in the introduction or in section 2 about separation of powers. It might serve to keep the Court in perspective that it can deny the government's motion and the executive branch still has other ways to achieve its goal.


We actually DID have in a bit about this being a backdoor pardon but cut it in the interests of time and because we were pushing up against the 25-page limit.