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Today we're joined by Gabe Roth, executive director of https://fixthecourt.com/. Fix the Court is a national, nonpartisan organization that advocates for non-ideological “fixes” that would make the federal courts, and primarily the U.S. Supreme Court, more open and more accountable to the American people. In his work, Gabe has been tracking some curious financial dealings of "friend" of the show Justin Walker. We discuss that, and other ethics questions and reforms related to the court system.


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I really don't know about this one... this is really weak sauce. There was a lot of innuendo about what might be going on but nothing solid except that Walker lent a couple some money. Is that all?? Is there anything intrinsically wrong with lending money to a colleague? Even if it's strictly against the ethics code for a judge, then it is surely only a minor infraction that should lead to a rebuke and nothing more. Don't get me wrong, Gabe is doing great work doggedly following all these leads and making sure the judges fully account for themselves. But by trying to make a such big deal about this loan, I fear you end up looking petty. You all agreed this is unlikely to sway the partisans in the Senate, and there are much better reasons to oppose Walker's elevation.


This is the thing that occurred to me throughout the podcast: the theme I took from it was that the Fix the Court initiative is thorough and doing ostensibly worthwhile work, but the 86k is just a super weird thing to fixate on. If they're paying it back with interest (I seem to remember they had set a market rate on it from the episode), then I don't even understand what the utility was of extending the loan at all: it's basically arm's length. In addition, while the clerkship ties are creepy/suspect and the lecturer locum creates an integrity problem with respect to how Walker handled his job, I am not seeing the red line between these actions and his candidacy for the court. The most glaring issue for me is the fact that Walker didn't think it was necessary to note this on the financial statement that had included his Federalist Society income of 8.5k, but if other established justices on the Supreme Court also omitted similar information then it seems like more of a systemic issue rather than one unique to Walker himself. The episode was still super interesting and Gabe was great, I just don't really understand the specific fixation on Walker individually.


Gabe Roth just completely shits on judges it's hilarious. And it takes some balls, because if he ever has to be in front of one of these judges....