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Have at it, patrons!  Hope you're enjoying this behind-the-scenes look at crunch-time drafting of a crucial brief with an emphasis on trying to make it as strong and persuasive as possible.

You'll see that we've relied on many of your edits/suggestions/pedantry so please do keep them coming.  And in that vein -- please note that the bold note at the end of section 1 on page 16 is a drafting note and not something I actually propose to include in the brief! :)



You are doing a great job. Just two possible typos that I don't think have been noted by others here: Page 12, Footnote 42, citation for Hector, should there be a space between 1100 and the left parenthesis? ; Page 12, last sentence in the bold, bracketed text, should court's be Court's?


The podcast related context segues beautifully into the "love of the law" motivation for writing the brief. Nicely done!