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Today's episode takes a deep dive into H.R. 965, which (quite sensibly) permits proxy voting in the House of Representatives in light of the COVID-19 crisis, and the lawsuit filed by various Republican lawmakers to try and stop it.  Good news!  The lawsuit has no chance of success thanks to... litigation prompted by Donald Trump. 

We begin, however, with an update on the DOJ probe into insider trading allegations against four Senators that allegedly -- either on their own behalf or via another party -- sold off stock prior to the public pronouncements about COVID-19 that tanked the stock market.  Who got off?  Who's left under the microscope?  Is there anything nefarious here?  We break it all down for you!

After that it's time to delve into the recent legislation and accompanying (nonsense) lawsuit by Republicans challenging the House's simple resolution, H.R. 965 (and the implementing legislation, H.R. 967).  Find out how the whole thing is going to be precluded thanks to the D.C. Circuit's recent ruling in Blumenthal v. Trump, which was of course hailed as a victory for the President at the time.

Then, it's time to check back in with #T3BE involving potential negligence for a factory that failed to install sprinklers.  Can Thomas pull this one out?  Listen and find out!

Patreon Bonuses

If you missed our Live Q&A #32, the audio is now up for all Patrons!  Also remember that Patrons can give their input on the OA Amicus Brief!


None!  If  you’d like to have either of us as a guest on your show, event, or in front of your group (virtually!), please drop us an email at openarguments@gmail.com.

Show Notes & Links

  1. DOJ probe links:  (a) here's the NPR link to the story; and (b) here's the GovTrack link to the fact that Marco Rubio still doesn't do his damn job.
  2. On remote voting, check out (a) H.R. 965 (and the implementing legislation, H.R. 967; (b) the D.C. Circuit's recent ruling in Blumenthal v. Trump; (c) our discussion of that case in Episode 361; (d) the Congressional Research Service article we discussed; and (e) United States v. Ballin, 144 U.S. 1 (1892).

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I agree that insider trading laws need to be far stricter than they currently are. They should also extend to requiring presidents and their families put all their assets in blind trusts and disallowing business activities while in office and for a period of some years after leaving office. However, I don't think there is sufficient evidence available now to warrant the implications of wrong doing by Senators Fienstein and Loeffler. That is why shutting down the investigations is unwarranted. The evidence may exist, but all we have or have seen is suggestive or even just innuendo.


RE Insider Trading, to Steel-Man it, I think its biggest benefit is that it encourages/allows people on the inside of fraudulent bubbles to get out early, and thereby help deflate these big scandals. I maintain that if IT was allowed, then the execs at Enron would have exited earlier and would have warned the market directly or indirectly much earlier, and saved a lot of hardship. Ditto Theranos, or any other fraudulent enterprise. I'm still against IT because I think that the perception of fairness in general is important, but it's not crazy to think that the benefits brought by allowing rats to leave a sinking ship earlier, rather than later are worth the blatant admission that the only way to get ahead is to know someone who's already rich.