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Sadly, both Thomas and Devin got this one wrong, each picking (B), instead of the correct answer, (A).  (Thomas was soooo close to getting the right one!)

Thomas is now 98-for-175 overall (56%), and 73% over the past 22 questions!



Quark Twain

Is the answer (A) because it's up to the jury to decide whether or not the act was premeditated? Or is it (A) because a murder conviction is possible even if the act was a crime of passion and was not premeditated?


It’s because the debatability of breaking a TV being sufficient provocation to require voluntary manslaughter. The important piece was what it was asking for what the highest charge that he could be properly convicted and not which of them was the most correct charge. Since the defense “his tv breaking made me very mad” is debatable and not as surefire as “I caught him in bed with my partner”, it would be up to the jury to distinguish between murder and voluntary manslaughter so both are proper convictions but murder is stricter (and that’s what the question wanted).