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Today's episode updates you on litigation in three states:  in Texas, where the 5th Circuit blocked the lower court injunction, allowing the anti-abortion executive order to go into place; in Wisconsin, where the Supreme Court literally killed people; and in Washington, where publicity-seeking idiots have some liberals convinced Fox News is about to file for bankruptcy.

We begin in Texas, with an Andrew Was Wrong -- and also, a hidden message of solidarity from the dissent in In re Greg Abbott as to how abortion clinics can stay open despite Executive Order GA-08.  You won't want to miss it!

Then, we have on Wisconsin citizen Andrew Seidel to break down the Supreme Court's decision forcing people to the polls during an epidemic.  Bonus:  you can count the number of relevant citations in the majority opinion (0).

After that, it's time to check out the Complaint in WASHLITE v. Fox News, which will probably get us sued by litigation-happy buffoons.  As you can imagine, we are NOT KIND to this wadded-up diaper full of nonsense.

Then, you know it's time for a brand-new #T3BE where Thomas and Andrew S. tackle a civ pro question framed around a car accident.  Want to play along?  Just share out this episode on social media with #T3BE and we'll pick a winner....

Patreon Bonuses

We just did an amazing SIO crossover with an Australian lawyer on the Cardinal Pell decision, and don't forget you can also participate in the Transformers coloring book challenge! And, if you missed it, don’t forget to listen to the audio from March’s LIVE Q&A and Andrew’s Lecture, “We’re All Gonna Die!” and the accompanying slides! PHEW!


Andrew was just a guest host on the Talk Heathen live call-in show, so you can see how he handles religious apologists.  If you’d like to have either of us as a guest on your show, event, or in front of your group, please drop us an email at openarguments@gmail.com.

Show Notes & Links

  1. Here is the Supreme Court's opinion in connection with the Wisconsin election.
  2. Here's the headquarters of WASHLITE - 1826 Berry Street NE, Olympia, Washington, and here are the articles on Arthur West (Seattle Times) and Liz Hallock (Yakima Herald).
  3. The binding decision in the Washington courts is Fidelity Mortgage Corporation v. Seattle Times Co., 131 Wn. App. 462 (2005).

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-For show-related questions, check out the Opening Arguments Wiki, which now has its own Twitter feed!  @oawiki

-Remember to check out our YouTube Channel  for Opening Arguments: The Briefs and other specials!

-And finally, remember that you can email us at openarguments@gmail.com!




I'm guessing Thomas's Parks & Rec reference will bring joy to more than just a few fans of OA. I do disagree with Thomas suggesting that "Light at the end of the tunnel" is mostly about people dying. I associate it with actual hope in dark times. I think he's thinking of "Go towards the light" which is about death.

Quark Twain

Andrew did a great job on the Talk Heathen show! Though I could only make it through the first half. After that I had to stop listening because I just don't have the patience for the ludicrous and illogical responses from the listeners calling in. My favorite moment came at 00:35:14 where a guest caller complained about "one-sided lawyers". Hahaha, imagine hiring a two-sided lawyer...