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Today's episode brings you some good news from the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals with respect to Florida's effort to restore the vote to felons who have completed their sentences -- and the Republicans' ongoing efforts to stop it.  We also revisit the emoluments clause litigations pending in two jurisdictions as well as tackle a novel question from one of our listeners.  You won't want to miss it!

We begin with a brief Andrew Was Wrong / Andrew Was Right segment regarding emoluments.  Friend of the show Seth Barrett Tillman writes in to correct us on two procedural issues and also to venture an opinion that any future emoluments cases would have to be brought by both houses of Congress.  Find out why Andrew disagrees and stands by his original recommendation in Episode 361 that Nancy Pelosi authorize a new vote by the full House of Representatives to re-file the case originally brought in Blumenthal v. Trump.

Then it's time for our main segment on the breaking decision out of the 11th Circuit striking down the Florida legislature's effort to gut Amendment 4 (which was meant to restore voting rights to ex-felons).  Find out why the court ruled the way it did, what happens next, and why there may be cause for optimism in the Sunshine State!

After that, it's time for a fascinating, clever, but (sadly) wrong suggestion from a listener regarding a writ of mandamus and the current logjam in Congress.

We end, as always, with #T3BE, and Thomas's seven-question winning streak on the line regarding a contract and an unfortunate foreman who suffers an accident prior to starting his duties.  Will Thomas prevail?  Listen and find out!  And don't forget to play along by sharing out the show on social media!


None! If you’d like to have either of us as a guest on your show, drop us an email at openarguments@gmail.com.

Show Notes & Links

  1. In the opening segment, Andrew breaks down the Supreme Court case of Virginia House of Delegates v. Bethune-Hill (2019).
  2. You'll want to read the 11th Circuit's opinion for yourself.  We last discussed the Florida legislature's efforts to gut Amendment 4 back in Episode 266.

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-And finally, remember that you can email us at openarguments@gmail.com!




Andrew did a talk at Sketicon in Sydney, QED would be great.


So if the house were to sue Trump for failing to bring his emoluments to a vote, it is hard to imagine the case would be resolved before his term is up. Would the suit be at risk of being rendered moot?