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Kevin Weatherwalks

From a practical standpoint--and maybe I am assuming too much context that is not provided--I have to imagine that there are other engineers vying for the contract. So what damages would there be if the day after the signing of the contract the owner just has to say "well, that sucks. Guess I have to hire the next engineer on my list"? What's the most that extra day or two of interviews is worth? $500? Is it worth it to even litigate this? Like Alexis, I really hope it's B. Just void the contract so both parties can move on.


I don't think Thomas understood what B was saying. Maybe I don't either, but I interpret it as since the contract was predicated on the assumption that the engineer was physically able to do the job, when that assumption fell apart the contract becomes void. I think the contract would have to specifically stipulate "absolute" responsibility in the case of unforeseen circumstances to remain valid but that's just based on what I hope would be the case rather than any law knowledge.