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Today's episode ran so long that we're going to give you a BONUS episode tomorrow.  What did we get through?  Well, we break down almost everything about the first day of televised public hearings in the House of Representatives' impeachment inquiry.  You absolutely, positively do not want to miss this!

We begin, however, with a plug for our favorite charity event of the year, Vulgarity for Charity!  To participate, just donate $50 or more to Modest Needs, and then send a copy of the receipt to vulgarityforcharity@gmail.com along with your request for a roast.  You can even request that Thomas & Andrew roast the victim of your choice. 

After that, it's time to tackle a wide variety of legal topics related to the Taylor and Kent testimony, including:  (a) how their testimony fits into the elements of the crime of bribery; (b) the Republicans' evolving defenses of Donald Trump; (c) the two lawyers picked to handle the bulk of the questioning; and much, much more.

Along the way, we also discuss the significance of the D.C. Circuit's en banc refusal to rehear the subpoena decision in Trump v. Mazars and what comes next, as well as the status of Mick Mulvaney's continuing efforts to defy the Congressional subpoenas.

After all that, it's time for a milestone #T3BE involving hearsay and expert witness testimony.


 None! If you’d like to have either of us as a guest on your show, drop us an email at openarguments@gmail.com.  

Show Notes & Links

  1. Please do participate in our favorite charity event of the year, Vulgarity for Charity!  To participate, just donate $50 or more to Modest Needs, and then send a copy of the receipt to vulgarityforcharity@gmail.com along with your request for a roast.  You can even request that Thomas & Andrew roast the victim of your choice.
  2. Remember:  this is about bribery, 18 U.S.C.  § 201.
  3. This is the transcript of Sen. Kennedy on Face the Nation.
  4. In terms of dirty tricks, here's the link to Taylor's closed-door deposition, where Castor outed the whistleblower, and here's a link to his laughing during Fiona Hill's deposition.
  5. BONUS!  Here's the Politico article we rip apart in Episode 333 ("There’s a Surprisingly Plausible Path to Removing Trump From Office") and... god help me.. the National Review article that actually gets it right.

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-For show-related questions, check out the Opening Arguments Wiki, which now has its own Twitter feed!  @oawiki

-And finally, remember that you can email us at openarguments@gmail.com!



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