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Today's episode explains exactly what happened with the story you probably saw about how Led Zeppelin "got a new hearing" in their lawsuit with the estate of Randy California.  What's going on?  Listen and find out!  We also break down the latest ethical wrangling over Yale law professor Amy Chua and Brett Kavanaugh.  Is it as bad as everyone says?

We begin with the tale of "Tiger Mom" Amy Chua, the Yale law professor who wrote a stirring defense of Brett Kavanaugh as a "mentor to women" after Kavanaugh had offered Chua's daughter a plum clerkship.  Did that pot get sweetened when Kavanaugh was confirmed to the Supreme Court?  (Hint: yes.)  We break down all of the ethics & more in this segment.

Then, it's time to revisit the lawsuit brought by the estate of Randy California against Led Zeppelin alleging that Led Zep stole the iconic riff for "Stairway to Heaven" from California's band, Spirit.  If you haven't listened to Episode 236, go give that a listen right now, and then come back to find out what's new.

Then, it's time for another Andrew Was Wrong segment -- this time, involving the actual penalty for refusing to answer or giving false answers on the Census.

After all that, it's time for the answer to Thomas Takes the Bar Exam #130 about the constitutional propriety of collecting sales tax from a private individual who will then turn around and sell the objects to the state.  Did Thomas get it right?  There's only one way to know for sure!


None!  If you'd like to have either of us as a guest on your show, drop us an email at openarguments@gmail.com.   

Show Notes & Links

  1. Click here to read Chua's original Wall Street Journal op-ed, "Kavanaugh Is A Mentor to Women."
  2. After that broke, Elie Mystal criticized Chua in an Above the Law article, to which Sophia Chua-Rubenfeld tweeted that she "[w]on't be applying to SCOTUS."  Mystal also teamed up with The Guardian to unearth more revelations regarding Chua, Kavanaugh, and how his clerks always "look like models."
  3. Of course, it was Mystal who broke the news that Sophia Chua-Rubenfeld was chosen as a Kavanaugh SCOTUS clerk.
  4. We covered Zeppelin in Episode 236.
  5. The false answers statute is 13 U.S.C. § 221.

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-And finally, remember that you can email us at openarguments@gmail.com!  



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