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Today's episode takes a deep dive into the just-released one-page order by the Fourth Circuit staying all discovery in the Emoluments litigation brought by Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh.  How do we fill more than an hour's worth of time on one page?  Why is this ruling really, really bad for everyone??  Listen and find out!

We begin, however, with a brief foray up Yodel Mountain to discuss (1) the reports circulating that Michael Cohen's phone was in Prague in the summer of 2016, and (2) the ethics review of "Acting" Attorney General Matthew Whitaker concerning the Mueller probe.

After that, it's time for a deep dive into the Emoluments litigation, the strange procedural posture of Trump's response, and what this means for civil litigation generally (and this case in particular).  You won't want to miss it!

Then we end with an all new Thomas Takes The Bar Exam #107 on defamation.  As always, if you'd like to play along with us, just retweet our episode on Twitter or share it on Facebook along with your guess and the #TTTBE hashtag.  We'll release the answer on next Tuesday's episode along with our favorite entry!


None!  If you'd like to have either of us as a guest on your show, drop us an email at openarguments@gmail.com.

Show Notes & Links

  1. Click here to read the Whitaker ethics review letter, and here to read the Steele dossier.
  2. We last discussed the Emoluments litigation in Episode 226.
  3. You can check out all of these documents:  the Fourth Circuit's order, the motion to stay, and the opposition filed by Frosh.
  4. Trump's argument is based on 28 USC § 1292(b) and relies on Fernandez-Roque v. Smith, 671 F.2d 426 (11th Cir. 1982).

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Yes Thomas, you are 100% correct about Springsteen


Good grief, people! If you're going to sneak around, take off your smartwatch, leave your phone at home, and get an untraceable burner! This is basic sneaky bastard 101.