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Hmm, can't find the original questions post so just saying here I appreciated your answer to my question about liability for information on TV (no I'm not a lawyer or law student....just picked up a little terminology since my mother is and from trying to understand law in the news). And just to clarify I obviously understand the desire just to be good people and not let anyone get hurt. However, it often feels like many such self-censorship choices don't actually make anyone safer (if you have the energy to go out and make it you have the energy to consult wikipedia) but do seriously interfere with the ability of the show to further scientific education/understanding/interest. Andrew's points about assembling the information being an act in itself and the businesses being small c conservative and not even wanting to have to defend a lawsuit (with accordant PR issues) provide a very convincing reason for this kind of behavior. Thanks! Love the show.


To be eligible to prosecute patents, an attorney must be admitted to practice before the USPTO (note: this is not necessary for patent litigation before the courts). In order to be admitted to practice before the USPTO, an applicant must pass the USPTO registration exam (aka "the patent bar"). In order to be eligible to take the registration exam, an applicant must have a science/engineering degree from an accredited program or an acceptable substitute. Attorneys who are admitted become patent attorneys; non-attorneys who are admitted become patent agents. Both are included in the group "patent practitioners." If I recall, we're one of only two federally accepted specialties--the other being maritime law. I'm not sure what the requirements are for maritime practice, but I imagine they include memorizing the lyrics to "You're a Crook, Captain Hood; Judge Won't You Throw the Book at the Pirate?" and learning exactly when "eight-bells" is on a normal clock. For more information, I'd direct you to my esteemed colleague, Chareth Cutestory.