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It's time for another Rapid Response Friday, which means we get to break down whether Donald Trump has to respond to the Summer Zervos defamation lawsuit.  (Hint:  yes)

We begin, however,  with a potential Stormy Setback.  What's the deal with press reports of a $10 million judgment entered against Stormy Daniels' attorney, Michael Avenatti?  Could it jeopardize the pending litigation?  Listen and find out!

After that, we break down the recent federal district court opinion in Knight First Amendment Institute v. Trump, which we covered when the case was first filed way back in Episode 77.  Are Donald Trump's Tweets really a "protected forum" to which the First Amendment applies?  Listen and find out!

Then, we break down exactly how duplicitious Donald Trump's personal lawyer has been regarding the Summer Zervos lawsuit.  It's exactly as much as you'd expect!

Finally, we end with an all new Thomas Takes The Bar Exam #77 regarding the constitutional requirement to a trial by jury.  If you'd like to play along with our new Patreon perk, just retweet our episode on Twitter or share it on Facebook along with your guess.  We'll release the answer on next Tuesday's episode along with our favorite entry!

Recent Appearances

Andrew was just a guest on the Dumb All Over Podcast, episode 70.  Go check it out!

Show Notes & Links

  1. We discussed Michael Avenatti's pro hac vice motion in Episode 174; you can also read the LA Times article about the bankruptcy judgment, as well as check out both the Avenatti involuntary bankruptcy petition and the Avenatti creditors list.
  2. We analyzed several cases, the most hilarious of which is Kohlmayer v. AMTRAK, 124 F.Supp.2d 877 (D.N.J. 2000).
  3. Trump's Tweets were first discussed in Episode 77, along with the Davison v. Loudon County decision.
  4. You should read the Knight First Amendment Institute v. Trump decision.
  5. This is the Supreme Court's decision in Clinton v. Jones, 520 U.S. 681 (1997), and if you want to read Marc Kasowitz's deliberately misleading statements yourself, you can do so here.

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Liz W.

You can color me as one of the folks who walked into the Twitter = limited public forum skeptical. I'm still vacillating like a boob but I do wonder how section 230 of the Communications Decency Act could inform this conversation. It's not directly relevant or any kind of governing law, but if Twitter can't be held accountable [as a private entity] for comments posted under its umbrella, it seems that diminishes the normative assumption that it's a wholly private conversation and there's some public square element to it. I admit that I think about 230 a lot so this might be my tunnel vision working.


The notion that someone can be muted, but not blocked, by the president's Twitter account is consistent with existing free speech jurisprudence. Blocking would deny them the ability to engage in speech, however muting them just denies them the ability to be seen by the operators of the account—and as we frequently say, free speech rights don't include the right to an audience.