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Post your questions here for the Q&A next Wednesday, May 30, 2018 at 6:30 pm Eastern / 3:30 pm Pacific!

And don't forget to upvote (by clicking the heart) the questions you'd like to see asked!

As always, Andrew will not get to see anything in this thread in advance!



If you were given the ability to appoint the next Supreme Court Justice who would it be, and what would be good decisions of theirs for us to read?


We are seeing an upheaval in society. The former president started laying the groundwork for his election loss long before the election, maintained his lies after one of the fairest? election that have ever been held, and encouraged an insurrection to try to stay in power forcefully. The Republican leadership initially condemned him for his part, but then quickly fell in line and refused to impeachment him, even though they knew he was responsible for January 6. Now we have definitively discovered, thanks to the leaked tapes featuring Kevin McCarthy, that much of the Republican leadership has often been quite frustrated with the former president, even though they speak and act otherwise in public. The former president, who lost the popular vote in the election that placed him in office, has been able to put three judges on the Supreme Court because of McConnell’s refusal to follow procedure, then his subsequent refusal to keep to those same false principles he espoused when RBG died, but this time even closer to an election. We find ourselves opposite a party that no longer has any qualms with publicly and boldly lying, cheating, and stealing to stay in power and grab more. Then we have Republican office holders using their power to attack everyday people. Illegal bans on abortion (enforced through vigilantism!), criminalization of transgender care for youths, the inability to acknowledge race relations or the existence of gay men and lesbians. With all of this happening, how do you maintain hope? I often feel like we’re watching the country fall apart. Also, I just recently discovered you guys and I’m in love with you. :) But no in a creepy way.