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Today's episode heads overseas to discuss foreign policy; specifically, the Trump administration's actions with respect to Iran and North and South Korea.  Is there a common thread here?  Listen and find out!

First, though, we update you on the Young America Foundation lawsuit against the University of California at Berkeley regarding Ann Coulter and an (alleged) hidden Secret Evil Cabal Conspiracy to Silence Conservatives.

After that, we crank up the time machine and go back... all the way back to World War II to discuss what happened on the Korean Peninsula that paved the way for the recent Panmunjom Declaration.  If you've ever wanted Opening Arguments to go all Ken Burns, well, this is the show for you!

Then, we take a look at the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action signed in Vienna on July 14, 2015 -- or, as Trump calls it, the "terrible Iran deal."  Is it a terrible deal?  What are the legal ramifications?  We've got you covered!

Finally, we end with the answer to Thomas Takes the Bar Exam Question #75 about subsequent oral modifications to contract.  Don't forget to listen and find out why Andrew would have gotten this question wrong!  Also, remember to follow our Twitter feed (@Openargs) and like our Facebook Page so that you too can play along with #TTTBE!

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Show Notes & Links

  1. We first discussed the "Ann Coulter" lawsuit during Episode 73; if you want to read the latest ruling, it's embedded in this article.
  2. Click here to read the Howard Levie law review article from the Akron Law Review, and here to read the final Armistice Agreement (drafted by Levie).
  3. This is the text of the original JCPOA; and click here to read the CFR's backgrounder on it that was referenced during the show.
  4. If you want the Washington Post's fact-checker article on Trump's statements about the JCPOA showing that virtually everything he's said is a lie, that's here.
  5. This is the link that contains the letter written by the Obama Administration to then-Rep. Mike Pompeo describing the JCPOA as a "political document."
  6. Finally, if you want to read the 1969 Vienna Convention, grab a tall beverage and curl up with it right here.  The actual treaty begins on page 384.

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Uh-oh, looks like we have an "Andrew was Wrong" to deal with! Inasmuch as my tweet can be considered a contract, it did not stipulate that I had to be declared the winner. Only that you read it. (Technically, it doesn't even say you have to read it on the podcast.) Here comes the irony. Since you clearly *did* read it, thus fulfilling your end of the "contract", your "oral modification" is not enforceable without consideration and I am, in fact, obliged to become a Patron. I suppose I really should have worded it more carefully so I could get that neverending fame and fortune. But then, I'm not actually a lawyer, just a postal clerk. What's your excuse?😉


Just want to thank Andrew in particular for the explanation of history of the Korean war and how we came to have the divided peninsula. Just one of the many ways in which this show is educational and informative.