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Today’s episode welcomes back one of our favorite guests — and the show’s only five-time guest, Andrew Seidel, attorney with the Freedom From Religion Foundation.

Together, Andrew, Andrew, and Thomas tackle a bunch of church and state separation issues.  First, they break down Andrew Seidel’s recent success in convincing the New Jersey Supreme Court to strike down a grant program that spent taxpayer dollars rebuilding churches and saved the citizens of New Jersey more than a quarter of a billion dollars!

Then, the gang does a deep dive into a pending law in Kansas that would permit adoption agencies within the state to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation (or anything else that offended the organization's... wait for it... sincerely-held religious beliefs).

Finally, we end with the answer to Thomas (and Andrew!) Take The Bar Exam question #74 about the admissibility of evidence.  Don’t forget to following our Twitter feed (@Openargs) and like our Facebook Page so that you too can play along with #TTTBE!

Recent Appearances

Andrew was the recent guest masochist on Episode 141 of the God Awful Movies podcast, reviewing "Cries of the Unborn."  Check it out!

Show Notes & Links

  1. Click here to read the Morris County Opinion discussed during the "A" segment.
  2. And if you want to see the legislative notes from the Kansas adoption bill, you should click here.
  3. We broke down the Masterpiece Cakeshop case in Episode 105, and you can follow along with the guys by reading the transcript of the Masterpiece Cakeshop oral argument before the Supreme Court!
  4. If you love Andrew Seidel, you might want to go back to his  FOUR previous appearances on the show, Episode 82 (on Trinity Lutheran), Episode 85 (which was originally a Patreon-only exclusive),Episode 111, and most recently, Episode 131.
  5. Finally, please consider supporting the Freedom From Religion Foundation.

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And email us at openarguments@gmail.com




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Great to have this early to enjoy over the three-day weekend! But what will I listen to on my sad trudge into work on Tuesday morning?